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Post Offices in Texas

Recent Reviews

Profile picture for user macmccune
Without a doubt one of the worse post offices in Texas. Wait times in line are horrible and mail delivery is pathetic. Sometimes mail doesn't come at all. I've had three different packages in the past two weeks that were lost. The excuse is we're understaffed. Really? Sad part is the postal service doesn't care just like most government operations. Would love to give a zero rating. Best bet when mailing is to go to a different post office. Or, you can keep voting for Democrats.
Profile picture for user abelgamboa
Twice I have called and I yet to get them to answer the phone. We have mail which needs to go out and they do not come by Plum Creek to pick it up. This has happened twice.
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USPS Customer
The lady who does passports is extremely rude and should not be serving the public!! From the looks of other Yelp reviews, she’s been that way for a long time and nothing has been done about it. Ridiculous!!!!!!